Women are risking their lives on lethal backstreet butt ops by getting injected with TYRE SEALANT
Women are risking their lives on lethal backstreet butt ops by getting injected with TYRE SEALANT DYING FOR A BUM LIKE KIM’S? Women are risking their lives on lethal backstreet butt ops by getting injected with TYRE SEALANT Those who survive are not in the clear and are often left with pain and disfigurement years... Read More
American Greed – “Vanity and Greed: Deadly Beauty”
Check out the original American Greed episode “Vanity and Greed: Deadly Beauty” or watch the full episode here. AMERICAN GREED TACKLES THE EPIDEMIC OF COUNTERFEIT BEAUTY INJECTIONS NBC news show examines the clandestine business of administering non-FDA approved beauty treatments. The new episode of American Greed, titled “Vanity and Greed: Deadly Beauty”, the NBC show... Read More
Dr. Constantino Mendieta on The Doctors Discussing Illegal Butt Augmentations
One of the world’s most respected butt augmentation plastic surgeons, Dr. Constantino Mendieta appeared on the TV show, The Doctors. With him on the show was a victim of a black market butt augmentation who was so severely damaged by the illegal substances that were injected into her that she lost both her hands and... Read More
Black Market Butt Injections Exposed — The Doctors
Over 13 years, Kimberly administered more than 3,000 clients with black market silicone injections to enhance their buttocks. She served almost two years in prison for her crimes and has written a tell-all book, The Back-side of the Story. Kimberly, who had a butt injection herself, says she blocked out the possible health risks the... Read More
Butt Injections Threaten Model’s Life — The Doctors
A model who aspired to have Brazil’s best butt ended up with a massive infection that caused her legs to rot and almost killed her after a doctor pumped too much cosmetic filler into her body. The Doctors discuss safe ways to boost your booty.
Academic Scholarships
Along with the various arts, the Foundation will promote academic excellence as well. In doing so, it will strive to provide scholarships to graduating high school students for college and higher education to include tuition, books and housing needs. Students will have to apply and be selected to receive scholarships starting at $1,000.00 per recipient.... Read More
Fashion and Dance
One of the goals of the Foundation is to raise funds to provide scholarships for deserving and qualified persons interested in pursuing careers in the various arts such as modeling and dance. Scholarships assist with registration fees and tuitions costs. Karima excelled in modeling and dance throughout her earlier years. Helping others to excel in... Read More
Beware Illegal Butt Injections
Dr. Tansar Mir and his patient Mary join Dr. Oz to caution viewers about the long-term and debilitating dangers of butt injections and why surgery isn’t a cure-all for botched procedures.
Inside Illegal Butt Injection Procedures
Core expert Tia Brown goes undercover to meet with the people performing butt injections and plastic surgeon Dr. Anthony Youn reviews the footage to highlight the dangers behind these procedures.
The Danger of Butt Injections
Core expert Tia Brown visits plastic surgeon Dr. Tansar Mir to find out the risks associated with illegal butt injections. Plus, hear from Mary who now has pain 24 hours a day after an injection seven years ago